The Award for Most Improved Goes To…Social Media! 3 New Features That Will Make Your Company Look Hip
by admin
Posted on March 30, 2015 at 13:04 PM
Sure, we all have days when we scream at our computers, yelling obscenities at our social media platforms for all of their limitations and drama. No? Maybe that’s just me. Social media trends are constantly changing, sometimes leaving us scratching our heads as to who came up with THAT idea. However, there were some positive […]
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It Pays to be Social! No really, Facebook’s Update Makes Businesses Pay to Play
by admin
Posted on December 10, 2014 at 14:55 PM
Over 1 billion people use Facebook every month (1.35 billion, to be exact). Understandably, that’s a lot of stuff clogging up the news feed. A new update, which rolls out mid-January 2015, will filter out unpaid promotional posts that businesses post as regular status updates in user news feeds. With the average person on Facebook […]
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Do It For The Vine! How Big Brands Use the Platform
by admin
Posted on September 10, 2014 at 15:48 PM
Many marketers see the Vine social media platform as a double-edged sword. These six second videos can be wildly entertaining and are highly shared on other platforms, but it’s incredibly challenging for some businesses to find meaningful ways to use them in their branding without looking like they’re trying too hard to be trendy. However, […]
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5 Face-Palms: Social Media No’s-No’s Continued
by admin
Posted on July 23, 2014 at 15:41 PM
Last month, we held a short presentation about the do’s and don’ts of social media. Not surprisingly, we’ve come across even more face-palm moments captured on social media for the world to see, including some cross-over into print and other marketing avenues. The results are both mind-boggling and hilarious. Let the fun begin: Don’t Use Unrelated […]
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We Found a Pulse: Email Isn’t Dead So Make Sure Your Strategy Isn’t Either
by admin
Posted on April 28, 2014 at 15:33 PM
With all of the new technology available for marketers today, email marketing is often considered a dead avenue. For those of us around in the 90’s when email was shiny and new, we all knew that it would change the way that businesses conversed with their customers. Today, a lot of companies have abandoned the […]
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The Social Media Lowdown: How to Differentiate Your Social Media Strategy
by admin
Posted on April 08, 2014 at 15:26 PM
For some, social media is a playground of opportunity. For others, it’s the bane of their existence, where they struggle to understand the platforms, audiences, and the ever-elusive art of the perfect post. Fret not; we have some tips that may help you navigate the waters. Facebook and Google+: ‘The Country Club Luncheon’ (rubbing elbows […]
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B2B’s, Don’t “B” Crazy: You Still Need to Engage on Social Media
by admin
Posted on April 03, 2014 at 15:02 PM
You’re a B2B business. Your customers are other businesses, which means you rarely deal with consumers directly. You may be thinking there’s no point in having a presence on social media. After all, you aren’t talking to consumers, so why bother? We’re glad you asked. A study by IDG Research has shown that businesses are […]
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Get Visual With Instagram: Joining the Next IT Crowd
by admin
Posted on April 02, 2014 at 15:00 PM
Before you can create a successful social media campaign to promote your business, you need to know where your customers are perusing online. Facebook may be the most popular social network with over 1 billion users (yes, billion), but it may not be the only place you can use as your brand’s megaphone. A new […]
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